Well Done!

You Have Made A Huge First Step.

Here Is What Happens Next…

If you have been referred by your doctor to Dr. Barrett you just need to let our team know that you wish to proceed with scheduling an appointment and we will get you access to the Heart Health Formula package.

You can contact us at info@myhearthealth.ie or on 01-2681918.

If you have NOT been referred by your doctor please get in touch with our office as we will need get some details including your current GP. This is a requirement. Dr Barrett cannot see you as a patient without having a current GP.

You can contact us at info@myhearthealth.ie or on 01-2681918.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Yes. Of course. Dr Barrett will work with you personally to address your concerns in relation to your heart health.

  • Yes. Usually this can be done with your GP but advanced testing including assessment of Lp(a), ApoB, Insulin Resistance testing and cardiac CT or CAC scores will be requested by Dr Barrett.

  • The price for a consultation with Dr Barrett and also access to the Heart Health Formula and the Heart Health Formula EXPRESS is 695 euro.

    The total cost of the consultation is spread over two separate payments.

    You will get immediate access to The Heart Health Formula after your first payment.

  • No.

    Assessing and reducing the risk of heart disease is an active process and requires that you learn about heart disease and how to prevent it.

    One of the biggest complaints people often have of consultations with doctors is that not enough information or explanation is provided.

    The Heart Health Formula is a critical component of the assessment with Dr Barrett.

  • For medicolegal reasons Dr Barrett can only work with patients in the jurisdiction of Ireland.

    This is to protect you and also Dr Barrett.

    If you would like to learn more about Dr Barrett's work you can sign up to his weekly newsletter here. https://paddybarrett.substack.com